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$ 0.00$ 200.00

Pedova BrightWave w/ Tip-In

Pedova BrightWave w/ Tip-In
*NOT AVAILABLE FOR SURESHIP. Vibrant, textured, padded covers in Pink, Orange, Lime, or Purple. Includes a blind deboss imprint(16" sq. imprint area) and (1) custom full-color, 1-sided tip-in at front. Features quality, thread-sewn book binding, black elastic pen loop, and matching satin ribbon bookmarks. Imported book, decorated in the USA.

*Shown with added silver Executive pen

Size: 7" x 9.5"
Sheets: 125


Qty 36 - 99 100 - 149 150 - 249 250 - 399 400+
Price (CAD) $ 32.88 $ 29.91 $ 28.47 $ 27.47 $ 24.99

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