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$ 0.00$ 200.00

WindowFlex Large NoteBook

WindowFlex Large NoteBook
NEW Size! Flexible, wraparound paper covers in any Linen, ColorFleck, or SmoothMatte colors. Includes a 1-color foil imprint. Features a stock shape die-cut window (available as a square, rectangle, circle, or oval) on the front cover, which reveals (1) full-color, 1-sided insert, also included. 100 sheets of lined filler. Perfect-bound spine.

Size: 8.5" x 11"
Sheets: 100


Qty 100 - 249 250 - 499 500 - 999 1000 - 2499 2500+
Price (CAD) $ 32.26 $ 31.25 $ 26.31 $ 22.73 $ 21.28